So, what does this mean?
The Diatribe reports that the potential is there for a Michaels/Dellucci platoon, which seems to be the obvious take given Dellucci's penchant for hitting right handers. However, Joe Longo, Dellucci's agent stated
"The key factor there was his role. They've given him the left fielder's job. He also felt he wanted to be in a lineup that had a chance to win. He wanted to come back to the American League. That was the best fit."Hmmmm...interesting comments. It could mean that Longo is selling his guy as the starter, or it could be a true statement. I lean towards the latter since I don't think Longo would set Dellucci up like that the day of his signing (of course...he is an agent). There's also a whole lot of time between now, and the regular season. There's plenty of time for the Tribe to make sure Michaels in the mix.
My belief here, however, is that Michaels may be on the block now as part of a bigger deal. I'm not going to speculate on who, since I was speculating about Carl Crawford earlier tonight on my wishlist, which is obviously now not going to happen (right field anyone?) now. That being said, I could see Michaels being part of a deal with someone like Ryan Garko to acquire a major player to close. Of course, Michaels isn't exactly a major piece of trade bait, in any year but this year.
Of course, General manager Mark Shapiro told today something that could throw this all into the tank...
The team had gained "momentum" on talks with several free agents and that this could be an active week for the team."Several Free Agents?" And we aren't to the Winter Meetings yet.
So I ask you all? Is it exciting yet? Barfield and Dellucci to start with, and you really get a sense that we are just at the beginning of 2 or 3 MORE moves to shore up this team. Hold onto your seats Tribe fan, it could be the beginning of a bountiful offseason. Now if we could just make the regular season as exciting.
What Dellucci brings to the team:
At 3 years, and 11.5 million, Dellucci brings a solid left handed bat to the lineup at a pretty big bargain. Over the past three years, he's hit 59 dingers and 165 RBIs. He has a lifetime .263 average, but batted .292 last year. His numbers last year are tricky. He did play in 132 games last year, but only had 264 at bats, down nearly 200 from the year before, when he hit 29 dingers and had 65 RBIs. He does strike out a lot, and certainly cleans up a bit on RHP. 81 of his 85 total Home Runs have come against RHP, and his average jumps up to .271. He's played in 5 games at Jacobs field, with 21 at bats, and has hit .286 with 2 dingers and 5 RBI. Nothing major there, but he CAN hit at the Jake. He's been a platooner his whole career, and it just seems like a natural thing for him to do this year, with Michaels.
What does he bring outside of the stats? He's always been a positive clubhouse presence, and is that Brian Giles kind of guy, always has a dirty uniform, and plays with a bit of abandon. A very good signing for Cleveland. There team got a bit better today.
Longtime Cleveland announcer Casey Coleman died today after his year-long battle with cancer. Coleman was a part of my household, like most of us Cleveland fans, every night, bringing us the sports on channel 8. In many ways, he's a legend in Cleveland broadcasting. He was good humored, and always seemed to make the close calls seem a little less bad than they really were. It's funny, but as I'm writing this, a ton of memories of his sportscasts are flying through my head, long since forgotten, but never really to far from visibility. Cleveland lost one of its own today. ANY time that happens, you have to stop and pay your respects. He was one of the good guys, no matter your opinion. Cleveland Sports is certainly a better place for having you, and will truly never really be the same.
"We're Rounding Third, and Heading for Home........"
I think this is a solid acquisition. But it cements the concern that the entire Indians outfield is going to consist of Grady Sizemore and a bunch of platoon players.
ReplyDeleteOh well, I guess you can start Dellucci and Choo against righties and Michaels and Blake against lefties. But, what's really going on? Are the Indians trying to set a world record for the most platoons on a single roster?
Right now, CF and DH are the only positions 100 percent nailed down on the roster. Every other player has some kind of question mark, offensively or defensively.
Regarding Casey Coleman...I feel the same way now as I did when I heard Nev Chandler had passed away.
ReplyDeleteDuring the early 90s, I did sprtswriting for a weekly paper in Cleveland (now defunct), and I drew the Cavaliers. I had the good fortune to meet up with Chandler in the locker room during the playoffs....I had no idea he was so short!
Anyway, this isn't about Chandler, it's about Coleman. But both will be missed forever in the great city of Cleveland.
Jeff--Great Story...and I agree...
ReplyDeleteColeman needs to get the credit that he deserves. As we all know, it's not easy being a Cleveland fan. He made it a little bit easier...
I think Erik said it extremely well in his blog...
ReplyDeleteIt's a good point, and it makes you wonder about the life and times of MLB, and Cleveland.
It does seem much easier for us to sign specialty players that are good at 1 thing at a much cheaper price, than it is to go out and get 1 guy to do the job. If you look at Michaels and Dellucci and their combined 7 million in salary this year, you have to wonder, is there 1 guy, at 7 million, that can do what they do? I don't know that this market will produce that.
Of course, you look at a guy like Carl Crawford, who at 4 million this year, is awful cheap. Do you throw 2 studs from the minors, and include a Michaels...and would that be enough? Would you deal Garko, Miller and Michaels? I say yes...but then you are extremely limited in what you do to get a closer...or relief help...
or help down the line...
I'm tired of the Indians getting a guy like this Dellucci. Is he just another Jason Michaels? Sounds like it me... where do I buy my season tickets? Maybe the 2007 Cleveland Indians can be the first team to platoon every single position (except center). How interesting!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, if they fizz out and give us the "we tried" routine again this year instead of a real player in free agency then they can take this Dellucci/Michaels and four guys named Mo crap and shove it. I'm tired of being sold hype on platoon players. I'll believe it when I see it from the Indians.